Sonntag, 30. Dezember 2012

How to choose the dog food?

This is a very complex topic. Everyone tells you what is good and what is bad and so on. But I got a few points which are very important.

1. Only animal-based proteins and high-quality refinded meals - so no vegetable-based protein
2. Don't look only at the price. The cheapest food is most of the time not the right thing for your dog. There is no need to buy a very expensive one too. You have to look what is inside the food and then make your choice.
3. Look at the age of your dog. Most of the time there are different products for different ages. (Usually 1-12 months, 1-7 years and 7 years and older)

Freitag, 28. Dezember 2012

Her sister Ivy

The last time I forgot to mention that a good friend of us bought her sister so they can play together every week. I think its very good for the devolopment of the dog's character.
The learn to play with other dogs and they socialize faster than other dogs. It's good for the health aswell.
I think we can see Ivy nearly every weekend and from time to time under the week aswell.

Hope you like the picture. (Peach left - Ivy right)

Our new Cutie

This is our new cutie Peach. Right now she is 10 weeks old and it's an Australian Shepherd. (Wikipedia Link) As you can see she is so small and cute and here eyes are dark blue which is wonderful.

Hopefully we are able to train some tricks with her. But right now she is sleeping most of the time cause she is so young.

I will you keep updated and I will post more pictures soon!