Montag, 21. Januar 2013

Why dogs bark

The first point is that barking is a form of communication. When a dog barks, there is a reason for it. Sometimes it will be a simple reason when the dogs see someone or something and in other times the dog wants your help. You need to find out why a dog is barking in order to stop them doing it.

When your dog barks all the time he is sending you a distress signal. He needs something what he didn't get so far. Are you walking enough? Is he living a well balanced life? All those questions should come up in your mind.
And don't think a dog will greets you with barking. That's usally a sign that your dog is bored and lonely cause its not a natural setting. Dogs simply don't use emotions like we do. Remember that they are dogs!

Donnerstag, 17. Januar 2013

Mittwoch, 16. Januar 2013

The Australian shephard

The Australian shephard is called Aussie aswell and he is a breed or herding dog and was devoloped in the United States.
Despite his name was not devoloped in Australia, this is just the name cause they used these dogs to herd Autralian sheeps.

The Australian shephard is a medium sized breed. Their weigt will be from 40-90 Pounds and the are anywhere from 17 - 26 inches in height. Aussie colars are red, black, blue merle and red merle. That's why every dog looks individual.
This dog is highly energetic and requiring a great deal of exercise and attention. An Aussie enjoys working, practicing tricks or competing in dog agility

Like other herding breeds, the Aussie like esprecially herding, dog agility, frisbee and flyball.