Dienstag, 2. Oktober 2012

How long shoud I walk with my dog?

I get this question a lot and there is not one single right answer to this question. There are some dogs who are just need to walk three blocks and there are dogs who need to walk a mile.
Remember: The shorter the dog's legs, the less distance he can go. Thats an important point. The breed is also important. Bulldogs as an example are not be able to walk as far as breeds with longer legs.
Also important is the enviroment. Is it very cold or very hot? When it is too hot or too cold you should not walk very long cause it's no fun for the dogs.

An very important factor is the age of the dog. When the dog normally doesn't get much exercise you can't walk or run a very long distance with him. Slow and steady is the better way.

The best way is to observere your dog. The most dog's show when they are tired then he walked far enough.

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